Another long wait between updates, I am sorry to my 4 readers!
I busted some chop over the weekend to get my SW infantry all up and running. No more unpainted minis lying around waiting to primed and painted! I also had my first 3 games with SW since I last posted! Twice I fought IG, my opponent had the worst rolls I have ever seen both times, he is a good friend and I felt bad for how the games went. As soon as TWC hit his lines turn 2, the game was as good as over. Both games a TWC blob and a axe/shield dreadnought flanked his lines, chewing through tanks and guard alike with ease. Void claws were brought in the first, and did very little aside from really help bring in reserves, though I wouldn't say they are worth the points just for that. A very fun unit I would like to try again none the less. Though for serious use, I would rather those 240pt go to more TWC. The first time I had a wolf priest in my TWC, the second time I had a wolf priest and an iron priest. The wolf priest is an amazing addition to the unit.
The 3rd game was against orks, we got kill points and I tried a wolf lord with krakenbone, silly me, I should ALWAYS bring fellclaws teeth on a TWC lord. Missing hurts too much. The lord caused 2 wounds to an ork warboss, then failed 1/3 of his +4 saves and was killed instantly by a powerclaw. Both the TWC and void claws in that battle died without causing too much damage. My void claws +2 saves rolls were absolutely terrible, failing 5/11 rolls. Not knowing that his walkers were only S7 caused me to be very defensive with my dreadnought, once I found out how weak they were, I assaulted with mine, wiping them all out in one assault.
His nobs pretty much walked through all my infantry, the MVP was the autocannon dreadnought, who I brought instead of the sword and shield dread. The auto cannon dread got first blood and slay the warlord. He was also the last model standing and prevented me from being tabled. At the end it was his FW walker VS my dreadnought. Both of us could barely hurt each other and the game ended 11-9 in favor of the wolves.
All in all, TWC with wolf priest is absolutely amazing. Axe and shield dreadnought is superb, auto cannon dreadnought is pretty nice, but more of just a substitute for a predator, still useful though. The stormwolf is balls to the wall amazing. I used it once, it took out its fair share of vehicles. Lastly, still unsure about helfrost. against orks it missed every time, against IG it managed to glance a russ, taking off its last hull point, and kill some guard.
All in all I had a really good time playing the new Space Wolves. I feel that they are in a great spot to be a fun, somewhat strong army.