Friday, February 7, 2014

Results of the third trials

Apposing the blood claws and Ringus today were 25 cultist zombies and 3 chaos spawn. I wanted to try to forge a bit more of a narrative, having Ringus try to force the blood claws into a tactical formation. It worked very well, with the blood claws falling back as the enemy advanced, holding the line. It was only afterwards that I realized each blood claw should have taken a leadership test to see if they followed the orders, or charged in recklessly. I am going to test this in the next 3rd trial. 

In no fancy way or narrative, here are the results!

Ulkoa: Miss wBp / Hit but saved / CC kill / Killed 3 cultists at once via counter attack / Wounded spawn in CC.
Tunridia: Kill wBP / BP miss / Wounded spawn in CC / slain by spawn
Surma: Hit no wound BP / CC kill / miss BP / BP kill / wounded spawn in CC / killed by spawn
Varvus: Miss Bp / 2 hit no wound CC / Miss CC / 2 CC kills, Saved Aartappel
Moordenaar:  Miss BP / Kill BP / CC Kill
Volharding: Miss BP/ kill BP / overwatch kill / CC wound, saved / 2 CC kills / Spawn BP wound
Aartappel: Miss / BP / Saved Varvus with CC kill / Kill CC / Saved Varvus CC kill / CC kill / BP kill
Ringus slew all 3 of the chaos spawn with ease, as well as his fair share of cultsts. 

Ulkoa finally showed some potential! After 5 battles he finally killed something, and a lot of somethings. Again, not dying as he displays his durability. He will remain a bloodclaw. 

Tunridia will no rise from this battle, his wounds from past trials have weakened his body. Dead
Surma fell along side Tunridia, they had a good teamwork going in past battles, it is fitting that they were felled by the same enemy. Dead
Varvus This was the worst Varvus has done in a battle, fumbling in combat until the end. However he has survived ever trial, and in the past two trials he preformed above average. Grey Hunter
Moordenaar was possibly never meant to join the ranks of the space wolves, perhaps the geneseed never rooted properly. In all the trials he preformed poorly, this one being his first, and only kill. In the first two he was felled nearly instantly. Dead
Volharding has done well. The second trial he fell quickly, but the first and third he preformed well. He will be made a Grey Hunter
Aartappel was rewarded with a powersword, and used it to make a mess of chaos forces. In his second trial, like others, he was taken down by the putrid plague drones, however felling a chaos champion and slaying a tally of cultists, Aartappel will become a Grey Hunter. As a grey hunter he will have the option to take a special ranged weapon in exchange for his power sword. 

So with this round of recruits finished, we have 3 grey hunters, Ulkoa is looking to be a career blood claw, and more names to mourn before the ceremonies. 

I will be assembling models for the 3 grey hunters, and begin the next round of trials in the coming week (or two, next week I am swamped)