Monday, November 11, 2013

New blood....claws.

Wolf Priest Rignus lead a small group of blood claws across several battles. A proving grounds for both him, and the blood claws. Against the traitor chaos marines, the unliving necrons, and the horrors of the warp. I went through these battles a little faster, taking less detailed notes, which is something I regret doing. Because of this I only have the smallest recaps of the battles.

Across all 3 battles, Rignus preformed amazingly, he has proven himself as a wolf priest, slaying every champion that has attempted to battle him, as well as laying several enemies to rest with his power maul. Sterf chose a power fist, his ambition showing by his choice in weapons.

Chaos space marines - 6 Man CSM and 10 man cultist unit.
Tarka - Able to defend himself against a single marine, but was unable to land any wounds. Perhaps the enemy is more fearsome than Tarka imagines. First battles are always rough.
Lucas - A bolter round is a dangerous thing to be hit by. Lucas fell before he had a chance to prove his worth.
Ulkoa - Fell to the combat abilities of a Chaos Space Marine.
Krag - Alike Tarka, Krag was unable to fell any warriors, he was only able to keep himself alive.
Skutter - Breaking from the trend, Skutter was able to remove a traitors head from his shoulders and survive the battle.
Sterf - With a fist of crackling energy, Sterf felled 2 traitor marines with ease during the battle.
Lone wolf Klargence was nearby slaughtering cultists, and vouches for Rignus's abilities as a warrior and wolf priest.

Necrons - Giant necron blob
Tarka - Fell to a volley of close range Gauss fire.
Lucas - With great accuracy, was able to land a killing shot on a Necron warrior. Once they met in combat, Lucas managed to fell 2 more in close combat.
Ulkoa - Ulkoa was unable to defeat any necrons, however was able to defend from 3 of them for the entire battle.
Krag -  Fell in battle, perhaps caught off guard by the seemingly immortal foe.
Skutter - Used his chainsword to remove a necron from the living realm.
Sterf - Again, demonstrating masterful use of a power fist. Sterf is able to deflect the blows of his enemies while crushing 3 necron warriors.

Chaos Daemons - FNP nurgle blob
Tarka - Fell to the poisonous blades of the plaguebearers.
Lucas - In a fury, Lucas killed 4 plagubearers.
Ulkoa - Ulkoa was unable to make any impact on this battle, serving only as a distraction to the enemy.
Krag - Killed a plaguebearer
Skutter - Killed a plaguebearer
Sterf - Shot down a plagubearer, and killed 3 more with his powerfist.

The following Blood claws will be promoted to Grey Hunter
Sterf, Skutter, Lucas.
The following blood claws will have to prove themselves in later battles.
Krag, Ulkoa.
Tarka's wounds were too great for Rignus to heal, his geneseed was collected and the bloodclaws mourned their fallen brother.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Proving Grounds

The ancient dreadnought consulted with the wolf priests, between them it was decided that Ringus showed the leadership and wisdom of a potential priest, however his berserker wulfen quality would never allow him to become a wolf priest. The great company was in need of a wolf priest to help with the new recruits, and it was decided that Rignus would be tested.
Two wolf priests, Rignus, and the ancient commenced the ceremony. The ancient, being encased in his iron tomb, was unable to participate, and only there as a cautionary measure. For if the ceremony took a turn for the worse, Rignus could forever be taken by the curse of the wulfen. Rignus entered a state of meditation with the help of the wolf priests. There he saw what himself as a wolf priest, what he could become, as well as the wulfen inside of him, what he was now. He must overcome the wulfen within him to begin the rest of his training as a wolf priest. To represent the power of the wulfen in Rignus, the wulfen had an automatic 6 for attacks. To represent the internal clash, both the wolf priest and wulfen within him were counted as successfully charging. The wolf priest within landed 3 blows, while the wulfen, attacking 8 times, only landed 2, one of which was a rend though. Rignus saved against the normal blow, as well as against the rending attack, using his invulerable. The wulfen only saved one of the two crushing blows, and was defeated, allowing Rignus to begin his training as a wolf priest, as well as oversee all matters relating to new recruits.

Meanwhile, of the blood claws were rewarded with the rank of Grey Hunter.
Hafgrim, with his power sword.
Ketil, with a special ranged weapon.
Kari, with Mark of the Wulfen.
Regin, with a Wolf Standard instead of a special weapon.

While, Knud, Vegard, Fafnir and Garin were held back, some were close, and just needed to prove themselves a little more. Their opportunity was closer than they though. The taint of chaos was detected on Fenris, it touched a pack of Fenrisian Wolves. The wolves battled their chaos tainted brethren, and only 5 chaos hounds were remaining by the time Rignus arrived with the remaining 4 blood claws.

Knud, managed to only do well enough to remain a blood claw.
Vegard fell, and Rignus was only able to retrieve his geneseed from his torn remains.
Fafnir and Garin also only faired well enough to remain blood claws, they would have to prove themselves along the next group of blood claws.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Skirmish 3: Necrons!

The final skirmish for the blood claws was against Necrons, here are the lists!

Overlord: Scythe,  res orb
12 warriors
4 scarabs

 Space Wolves
WGBL Rignus with MotW
9 blood claws (power sword, plasma pistol)


An ancient dreadnought accompanied Rignus and his blood claws on this mission as an observer. Supporting the unit with additional firepower and observing Rignus as a potential for training future blood claws.

This match was quick, and the blood claws excelled where they should, brutal charges.
In the first round of shooting, the dreadnought felled 2 scarab bases and caused a wound on another. Rignus fired his bolter and dropped a necron, who would  later rise back up. On the necrons turn, they move within rapid fire range and unleash a hellish blue gauss stream into the blood claws. Fafner, Vegard and Knud fell to the ground. The scarabs advanced on the ancient dreadnought, but failed a very short charge, losing another wound to overwatch.

Now it is time for the space wolves to assault. Unleashing a volley of bolt pistol fire, Garin and Ketil both score kills.  The ancient dread chooses not to fire, instead allowing the blood claws full glory. It is within charge distance, and can still support them in a different way. The dreadnought assaults, taunting the warriors, who fire overwatch and cause a hull point to be removed. The dreadnought fails his charge as assumed he would. This allowed for Rignus and the blood claws to assault unmolested by another volley of fire!
On the assault:
Rignus challenges the overlord and they exchange wounds.
Hafgrim cuts down 2 warriors.
Garin also pummels 2 warriors to the ground.
Kari slays one warrior.
Knut lands some blows, but they do not penetrate the ancient necron carapace.
Regin fight off 2 necrons, only managing to defend himself from them.

The Necron retaliation causes no casualties, they have lost combat. The overlord decides it is time to flee and the blood claws make quick work of them in a sweeping advance. The overlord fails to return to the field though everliving.

Meanwhile, the two scarabs assault the dreadnough, who kills them both in overwatch. Assault cannons are pretty dang spiffy.

This skirmish was very quick, the fastest of the bunch. I decided to see what would happen if the necrons and the space wolves both had the "fearless" special rule. This caused the combat to last a very long time. Both sides rolled poorly, and often. Instead of a recount of the battle, I will only post some of the notes I have of it.

Hafgrim - One of the necrons he felled with his power sword reanimates, causing a lapse in judgement. He fights with desperation against a foe he is unsure if he can kill for 4 rounds, finally killing it, only after watching his brothers lay the necrons to rest.
Knut - Again, only manages to glance the necrons, falls to the bladed tip of the gauss weaponry.
Ketil - Showing true space wolf strength, lands two perfect blows, killing one necron, then another in a later round.
Kari - fumbles as Hafgrim did when his foe stood up from death. Managed to regain himself and kill 2 necrons, one of which got up. This necron would not die, as it too the combined efforts of Kari, Ketil and Garin to finally kill it.
Garin -  Killed a necron in single combat and moved to assist his bretheren.
Regin - Regin was the MvP in this match. Deciding to leave his meltagun behind was a good choice for him, though could have been terrible for the unit. Regin was matched against 2 warriors from the start. Here is a quick summary.
Kills 2, 1 gets up
Kills that 1, it gets back up.
Kills that 1 again and it stays dead.
Overlord slays Rignus, Regin moves to overlord
Rignus takes the last wound from the overlord, who then gets up
Regin kills the overlord again, who then gets back up again
At this point there are multiple blood claws fighting the overlord, while a necron warrior is still going in single combat with Kari.
The ancient dreadnought assaults the Overlord, seeing Rignus fall, misses with everything.
The overlord slays the ancient dreadnough.
Kari finally kills the necron warrior, and Ketil lands a killing blow on the overlord. The unit is wiped out and can no longer revive.

Now I will take the data from the 3 fights and decide which Blood claws will move up to Grey Hunter, as well as if they will keep their wargear, or have it replaced. It will be a very tough call on some of the accounts.

Monday, November 4, 2013

The next batch!

I have been trying to decide between Tyranids and Space Wolves to be my 3rd and final 40k army. Tyranids still seem super awesome, but SW have the fluff and lore. I didn't want to have the 3 mindless, no personality armies (Daemons, Necrons and Tyranids). So my wife has been taking interest to how much time I have been putting into the preparation of purchasing a box of grey hunters. She asked if she could make a batch of names.

So here they are with the results of the Test of Morkai

Tarka - 5
Tunrida - 5
Lucas - 4
Surma - 2
Ulkoa - 5
Varvus - 2
Krag - 5
Moordenear - 3
Skutter - 5
Volhardin - 3
Sterf - 6
Aartappel - 6

My dice were still rolling high after the daemons ungodly resilience in the last match. My wife had a big grin and started to laugh once she saw the last two being the only ones who did exemplary. Apparently it is Afrikaans (she is African American). Sterf, means dying. Aartappel means potato. So from henceforth, Sterf and Aartappel were farmers, and they may or may not get crap from the other blood claws because of this (pending on how well they do in the next batch of skirmish matches)

Back to random names after this. 

Blood Claws VS Plague Daemons!

Some of the aftermath of the first battle.
Klargence was shamed for his boastful ways and not being able to back them up. Like he has in the past, he went full lone wolf mode. (I based this character off a friend, and he would do stuff like this. In the past when called out on something he cant back up, he just does his own thing until he forgets (so like a day). Rignus, having enjoyed himself, was allowed to lead the blood claws again.

The points are smaller, the force org is out the window and the daemons are in favor. Here are the lists!

Herald of Nurgle, ML1, locust of FnP
12 plague bearers
2 beasts of nurgle.

Rignus, Wolf guard with mark of the wulfen.
9 blood claws - power sword, plasma pistol and melta gun.

Klargence, lone wolf in TDA with dual wolf claws (they say he never took his armor off, he just sulked around until the next drop)

Due to the strange force org and points (and me being forgetful) I decided against warlord traits. Just for reference, warp storm did nothing at all.

Very similar to the previous tactics. Rignus and blood claws to the left, Klargence to the right.
On the daemon side, Plague bearers and herald opposite of blood claws, beasts eying up klargence.
Nurgle is generous, his herald gains the power of plague wind. (designer note: shit).

Right out of the gate, bolt pistols are fired and a single plague bearer dies, Rignus showing the blood claws how it is done. He holds his unit back, knowing that assauling plaguebearers could be a poor tactic, and that Heralds are known to have horrible close range powers.

The beasts crash into Klargence. To save us some time, there is a whirlwind of slobbery beast on lone wolf action. Klargence takes a wound, his eyes bulge and he yells "Not this time!" as he fights on with the rage of the canis helix. His wounds and daemonic instablity destroy both beasts, however he is locked in CC with them for almost the entire battle.

The herald of nurgle manages to unleash the plague wind, only barely in range, and it scatters, to perfectly land on 4 blood claws and Rignus. The winds had no affect on Rignus, before he could boast about the smell of nurgle paling to the smell of a fenrisian mammoth, he noticed 4 of his unit had fallen. Vegar, Knud, Knut, and Regin all fell to the ground, coughing a black mucous into the dirt. They had been robbed of a chance to prove their might, this was no way to do battle.

The herald grinned, burped, and then his unit made a charge that even slaanesh seekers would be jealous of. In the first round of combat, Rignus fell to the herald of nurgle, though only after placing a wound on him. The blood claws were horribly outnumbered. Hafgrim was fighting off 3 plaguebearers, Fafner fighting 4, Kari2, Ketil 1 and Garin 1. After felling Rignus, the Herald went from blood claw to blood claw, tearing them down. Garin was the first to fall, overwhelmed by the herald and a plaguebearer. Fafner Fought off 4 plaguebearers, as did Hafgrim, who was able to kill one. Ketil was able to kill a plaguebearer, then only defend against the herald for 2 phases of combat, overwhelmed by the power of nurgle. The herald was able to push through Ketil's defences, and he fell. Fafnir fell to the 4 plaguebearers he was fighting, while Hafgrim brought another down. Kari was also able to kill 2 plaguebearers, but then was quickly overwhelmed by the herald. Combat went on, until it was Hafgrim fighting against the herald and a plaguebearer, with Klargence failing a 4 inch charge. (Luckily no one saw it). The following round, Klargence was able to assault and tore the herald in half, while Hafgrim killed the last plaguebearer.

Hafgrim did well in the first match, and exceptional in the second. Ketil was able to hold the herald off for a few rounds, which is a feat in its own. Daemonic instability was of help to the wolves, but only barely. Losing so many to the putrid plague winds was harsh.

The next match will be against necrons. Another slow and hard to kill opponent. The list will almost mirror the daemon list!

Necrons will have a buffed up overlord with res orb, phylactery, warscythe and warrior unit. They will be accompanied by a nice bundle of scarabs.

Space Wolves will be lead by Ragnis, who will be acting as a wolf guard battle leader with mark of the wulfen, leading the blood claws and accompanied by an ancient. One of the dreadnoughts will watch the blood claws to see any potential.

Blood Claws Vs CSM! The fuzzy results!

Staying true to my word, as difficult as it could be at times, I did not fudge any numbers, or re-roll any dice. The blood claws succeeded in their mission, however they were wiped out in the process. Now well all know it is difficult to completely kill a marine. Once it was discovered that there was a sorcerer attempting to open a daemonic portal, reinforcements were sent. They arrive too late to destroy the remaining 2 CSM, however arrived in time to revive the battered and wounded.

A quick rundown of this skirmish:

Rignus and the blood claws were one unit, while Klargence, Fognar and Dane formed a small elite unit. Two units of cultists formed a wall which the CSM and sorcerer hid behind with their spawn. A few cultists died to bolt pistol and bolter fire, Klargence was overzealous and was wounded by a cultist shot. On turn 2 Spawn assaulted the wolf guard battle leader, while they took a wound, they destroyed the elite unit.

Meanwhile, Rignus lead his blood claws to annihilate the other cultist unit, taking no casualties. The next turn they assault the spawn and destroyed them outright, leaving them open to a volley of fire from the CSM, felling 2 blood claws. Vegard showed his resilience by taking a strength 7 blast of tzeentch to the chest and shaking it off. Then, cutting his glory short, was felled by a bolt pistol round.

When the CSM hit combat, the blood claws were down to 4, with 5 having already fallen. Hafgrim showed great promise by landing a wound on a chaos sorcerer, but being wounded himself in the process. Fafner showed some promise as well, surviving 3 phases of combat with CSM, fumbling during the fight (rolled 3 1s to hit) however he regained himself, only to fall when 2 CSM came at him at the same time.

The result was 2 CSM survived, no SW survived. The portal was closed and the sorcerer fled, mission success.

The MVP of this match was easily Rignus! Rignus is the Wolf guard who was leading the Blood claw pack. Several cultists fell to his hands. He shouted a challenge to the CSM, and an aspiring champion answered. Then he took the challenge to the sorcerer, who he also killed, but died in the action.

The Blood Claw of the hour was Knut, followed closely by Hafgrim. Knut (brother of Knud) was an average recruit, however during this battle he killed a chaos space marine in hand to hand combat, then avenged Regin, by killing another CSM in hand to hand combat. His glorious falling was while fighting 3 chaos space marines. He killed one, and then fell to the other two.

We cannot expect to forge a hero from all of the blood claws, which is why there are 3 trial battles they face. The second will be against Daemons!!! Little known to both forces, the summoning was a success! However it did not reach Tzeentch as planned, instead, the plague god's putrid flesh heaps began to wash out from within the warp.

Friday, November 1, 2013

The first battle, opponent and list.

My available armies for low point opponents are: Chaos Marines, Necrons and Chaos Daemons. So I rolled a D3, CSM is the first opponent.
First the lists, then the narrative.

Space wolves
Wolf Guard Battle leader (Klargence) - TDA, Dual Claws.
Wolf Guard - Mark of the wulfen (Rignus), Combi flamer/frostblade (Fognar), powerfist (Dane).
9 blood claws - power sword, plasma pistol, meltagun.

Sorcerer - Lvl 2, gift of mutation, spell familiar, Mark of Tzeentch
10 cultists - flamer
10 cultists
5 marines - mark of Tzeentch. Champion has gift of mutation and lightning claw
2 spawn of chaos.

The narrative:Why I made the lists what they are.
SW: I have limited models to use as the "leaders" for my SW, some of which have been inspired by friends, fiction, or previous games. The WGBL is a model that was inspired by a friend. I know WGBL are wolf lore lite, but even Klargence must move up the ranks.
The tale goes something like this. The Space Wolves were deployed to extinguish a chaos threat. During the pre-battle feast, Klargence was very boastful, however as usual, has difficulty keeping his facts straight once he is in a boastful mood. As such, the wolf lord overheard a strange boast, of a feat the wolf lord had completed himself. Being in a festive mood, the wolf lord shouted to Klargence. "Being one of such great feats, perhaps it is you who should show the blood claws how to fight this time around!" A wolf priest agreed, and Klargence was shamed in front of his wolf guard. In an attempt to move the spotlight off of himself, he chose 3 of the loudest laughing wolf guard to accompany him, so they could "show off their various specialties". Klargence would take the blood claws, and 3 of his personal wolf guard to take the blood claws into their first battle. A scouting mission to investigate a potential daemonic summoning.

CSM: I want to make these battles (or at least the first bundle of battles) so that there will be moments of heroism. I also know from experience how boring a marine vs marine combat can be. (roll 4 to hit, 4 to wound +3 to save over and over and over) I like CSM for the different types of units it brings to the table. It is true that there is a daemonic summoning, far from the battlefield a powerful Tzeentch sorcerer plans to summon daemonic assistance. The sorcerer has a body guard of 5 chaos space marines, and has gathered 20 cultists for his cause. Chaos spawn have started to appear as the summoning takes place.

Tonight I will have a few beers and roll some dice against myself. These skirmish matches will be on 24x24, and with terrain to match the scenario. However, until I build some terrain, I will ahve to use my imagination. I will try to document these matches as best as possible.

Most of all, I will have to hold back and be strong if/when a character I like falls.

The first batch of recruits!

12 potential candidates have been selected from the harsh battles of Fenris. Their feats and boasts matter nothing before the challenges that they will face. Many will fall in the coming tests, the fist being one of the harshest, the Test of Morkai. Before I describe the test, these are the names of the 12 potential blood claws. Usually the recruits will have nothing of note until they become blood claws. There will be times that I feel inclined to give a recruit a special bit of lore, such as the brothers below.

Knud (brother of Knut)
Knut (brother of Knud)

To create these names I have used a mix of Norsican and Dwarven names generated at Malleus Maleficarum.
Now, as for the Test of Morkai, each recruit must cross the harsh Fenris environment while struggling with the newly implanted geneseed. To represent this, I used a dangerous terrain test. A roll of 1 is death, the recruit never made it back to the fang. During the test some recruits show promise, so to represent this, a roll of a 6 meant the recruit was above average.

Here are the results for the first set of recruits:
Hafgrim - 6
Vegard - 2
Atle - 1
Haaken -1
Knud - 4
Knut - 5
Ketil - 2
Kari - 3
Fafner - 6
Ulfmaerr - 1

Regin - 6
Garin - 5
Vosur - 1

Post Morkai thoughts:
I watched the die as a 1 became a 4 on Knud's roll. I would like to have brothers that survive to make grey hunter together, however losing a brother would make for a good lone wolf I am sure. Knut's roll was just as suspenseful. For some reason, Ulfmaerr was a name I liked, and it was disappointing to know he failed the Test of Mokrai. There were more deaths, and more great triumphs than I expected. 12 was chosen from a statistics stand point, in hopes to get a unit of 10. As blood claws are a 5-15 unit, I will be choosing a wider range of numbers in the future. Maybe 5+2D6?

Atle, Haaken, Ulfmaerr, and Vosur never made it to the fang and are presumed dead, or worse.
Hafgrim, Fafner, and Regin returned to the fang, not only alive, but with a great trophy.
Hafgrim wielded a sword, crafted from the antlers of a Fenrisian Elk. His wounds told the tale of his fight with the beast. He was rewarded with a Power Sword.
Fafner returned first, and under a good omen, he was granted a choice, and he chose a plasma pistol.
Regin wielded a spear, and the teeth of an ice fiend, a most terrible foe to encounter. He has been granted a Melta Gun.

Soon these recruits will wear the great armor of an astartes and prove themselves worthy of being a space wolf. There will be terrible battles against traitors, daemons, and enemies from time long lost. Through these trials, Blood Claws will become Grey Hunters, and earn a place in the Great Company.

A long winded introduction

I have decided I miss Space Wolves too much to have it be a tossup between Nids and Wolves. Wolves win, I want some personality in this hobby. Personality is something that Daemons and Necrons cannot provide much of. So my Space Wolves will get a 1000% boost of personality. This will force me to build my army very slowly, which is a good thing, as my Daemons and Necrons still need some more models.
These are the steps I plan to take to create an army where every model has a name and story.
I will start with the 15 or so models I kept from my old Space Wolves army. They already have fought several battles, and have plenty of stories. They will just need names. These will serve as my HQ, Wolf Guard, and Dreadnought until others are created.
Next I will use an online name generator to create several random names. I will create these in groups of 10. Each name will have to pass a dangerous terrain test, to simulate the training on Fenris. If they roll a 1, the name is removed. The names that succeed will be given some standard issue power armor and wargear for training and their first few battles. I will use the buttload of bits I have to create generic looking marines. All will have helmets, even though it goes against blood claw lore.
At this point I will have a handful of bloodclaws, all with names, but none have faces or defining traits. Through a series of small games, skirmishes and dice rolling sessions, each blood claw will advance to grey hunter, or die. Once they make grey hunter, they will be given appropriate Space Wolves armor, and pending on how well they do in the combats, they may receive special wargear, or even become wolf guard.
To determine who gets what and why, these initial battles will take a very long time, which is why they will stay small, and most likely be solo, or with friends and beers. I will roll for each individual model, and record the hits, wounds and kills. This way I will know who deserves the special weapon, or who is hot headed and may fall to the wulfen. Maybe also find the level headed one who will carry the wolf standard.
I plan to keep track of all of my grey hunters through an app for my phone, which app? I don’t know yet. I am hoping to find something more than a text editor that will let me easily keep track of all of the details. Once they hit grey hunter they will be able to branch out into various other roles, such as Long Fangs, Lone wolves, drivers, and so on.
Once I have a decent sized army (+500pt) and start playing against other people, I will stop rolling each model individual and record stats via unit. By then each model will have a name, and work as a pack. The glory hunger of the blood claw will have been replaced with the cold brutal determination to take a foe down as a pack. A unit that does well against the Eldar, may gain some elder bits on some bases, or trophies to carry into battle.
I don’t know if I will build a force that will be able to match my old Space Wolf Army, but I am going to have a damned good time doing it.
This will be a long, difficult, and super fun process, but I am sure I may be doing some of this poorly. So if you have a suggestion, I would love to hear it!

TL;DR: Decided to go back and make another SW army. Going to give each model a personality because I am a turbo nerd, here is the process each model will have to go through.
  • They get a name, and have to pass a dangerous terrain test. Winners become blood claws.
  • They get a plain marine model and must survive, or do well in some skirmishes/battles. Survivors/models who do well get SW models and promoted to Grey hunters, as well as special wargear.
  • Grey hunters can then move to wolf guard, long fangs, lone wolves, TWC and many other ranks.
  • I will keep track of this on my phone, and am asking for C&C on the crazy idea.