Friday, November 1, 2013

The first batch of recruits!

12 potential candidates have been selected from the harsh battles of Fenris. Their feats and boasts matter nothing before the challenges that they will face. Many will fall in the coming tests, the fist being one of the harshest, the Test of Morkai. Before I describe the test, these are the names of the 12 potential blood claws. Usually the recruits will have nothing of note until they become blood claws. There will be times that I feel inclined to give a recruit a special bit of lore, such as the brothers below.

Knud (brother of Knut)
Knut (brother of Knud)

To create these names I have used a mix of Norsican and Dwarven names generated at Malleus Maleficarum.
Now, as for the Test of Morkai, each recruit must cross the harsh Fenris environment while struggling with the newly implanted geneseed. To represent this, I used a dangerous terrain test. A roll of 1 is death, the recruit never made it back to the fang. During the test some recruits show promise, so to represent this, a roll of a 6 meant the recruit was above average.

Here are the results for the first set of recruits:
Hafgrim - 6
Vegard - 2
Atle - 1
Haaken -1
Knud - 4
Knut - 5
Ketil - 2
Kari - 3
Fafner - 6
Ulfmaerr - 1

Regin - 6
Garin - 5
Vosur - 1

Post Morkai thoughts:
I watched the die as a 1 became a 4 on Knud's roll. I would like to have brothers that survive to make grey hunter together, however losing a brother would make for a good lone wolf I am sure. Knut's roll was just as suspenseful. For some reason, Ulfmaerr was a name I liked, and it was disappointing to know he failed the Test of Mokrai. There were more deaths, and more great triumphs than I expected. 12 was chosen from a statistics stand point, in hopes to get a unit of 10. As blood claws are a 5-15 unit, I will be choosing a wider range of numbers in the future. Maybe 5+2D6?

Atle, Haaken, Ulfmaerr, and Vosur never made it to the fang and are presumed dead, or worse.
Hafgrim, Fafner, and Regin returned to the fang, not only alive, but with a great trophy.
Hafgrim wielded a sword, crafted from the antlers of a Fenrisian Elk. His wounds told the tale of his fight with the beast. He was rewarded with a Power Sword.
Fafner returned first, and under a good omen, he was granted a choice, and he chose a plasma pistol.
Regin wielded a spear, and the teeth of an ice fiend, a most terrible foe to encounter. He has been granted a Melta Gun.

Soon these recruits will wear the great armor of an astartes and prove themselves worthy of being a space wolf. There will be terrible battles against traitors, daemons, and enemies from time long lost. Through these trials, Blood Claws will become Grey Hunters, and earn a place in the Great Company.

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