Staying true to my word, as difficult as it could be at times, I did not fudge any numbers, or re-roll any dice. The blood claws succeeded in their mission, however they were wiped out in the process. Now well all know it is difficult to completely kill a marine. Once it was discovered that there was a sorcerer attempting to open a daemonic portal, reinforcements were sent. They arrive too late to destroy the remaining 2 CSM, however arrived in time to revive the battered and wounded.
A quick rundown of this skirmish:
Rignus and the blood claws were one unit, while Klargence, Fognar and Dane formed a small elite unit. Two units of cultists formed a wall which the CSM and sorcerer hid behind with their spawn. A few cultists died to bolt pistol and bolter fire, Klargence was overzealous and was wounded by a cultist shot. On turn 2 Spawn assaulted the wolf guard battle leader, while they took a wound, they destroyed the elite unit.
Meanwhile, Rignus lead his blood claws to annihilate the other cultist unit, taking no casualties. The next turn they assault the spawn and destroyed them outright, leaving them open to a volley of fire from the CSM, felling 2 blood claws. Vegard showed his resilience by taking a strength 7 blast of tzeentch to the chest and shaking it off. Then, cutting his glory short, was felled by a bolt pistol round.
When the CSM hit combat, the blood claws were down to 4, with 5 having already fallen. Hafgrim showed great promise by landing a wound on a chaos sorcerer, but being wounded himself in the process. Fafner showed some promise as well, surviving 3 phases of combat with CSM, fumbling during the fight (rolled 3 1s to hit) however he regained himself, only to fall when 2 CSM came at him at the same time.
The result was 2 CSM survived, no SW survived. The portal was closed and the sorcerer fled, mission success.
The MVP of this match was easily Rignus! Rignus is the Wolf guard who was leading the Blood claw pack. Several cultists fell to his hands. He shouted a challenge to the CSM, and an aspiring champion answered. Then he took the challenge to the sorcerer, who he also killed, but died in the action.
The Blood Claw of the hour was Knut, followed closely by Hafgrim. Knut (brother of Knud) was an average recruit, however during this battle he killed a chaos space marine in hand to hand combat, then avenged Regin, by killing another CSM in hand to hand combat. His glorious falling was while fighting 3 chaos space marines. He killed one, and then fell to the other two.
We cannot expect to forge a hero from all of the blood claws, which is why there are 3 trial battles they face. The second will be against Daemons!!! Little known to both forces, the summoning was a success! However it did not reach Tzeentch as planned, instead, the plague god's putrid flesh heaps began to wash out from within the warp.
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