Monday, November 4, 2013

The next batch!

I have been trying to decide between Tyranids and Space Wolves to be my 3rd and final 40k army. Tyranids still seem super awesome, but SW have the fluff and lore. I didn't want to have the 3 mindless, no personality armies (Daemons, Necrons and Tyranids). So my wife has been taking interest to how much time I have been putting into the preparation of purchasing a box of grey hunters. She asked if she could make a batch of names.

So here they are with the results of the Test of Morkai

Tarka - 5
Tunrida - 5
Lucas - 4
Surma - 2
Ulkoa - 5
Varvus - 2
Krag - 5
Moordenear - 3
Skutter - 5
Volhardin - 3
Sterf - 6
Aartappel - 6

My dice were still rolling high after the daemons ungodly resilience in the last match. My wife had a big grin and started to laugh once she saw the last two being the only ones who did exemplary. Apparently it is Afrikaans (she is African American). Sterf, means dying. Aartappel means potato. So from henceforth, Sterf and Aartappel were farmers, and they may or may not get crap from the other blood claws because of this (pending on how well they do in the next batch of skirmish matches)

Back to random names after this. 

1 comment:

  1. This system is really rather awesome and effective I must say ^^

    Extra love for the attack on titan link XD
