My available armies for low point opponents are: Chaos Marines, Necrons and Chaos Daemons. So I rolled a D3, CSM is the first opponent.
First the lists, then the narrative.
Space wolves
Wolf Guard Battle leader (Klargence) - TDA, Dual Claws.
Wolf Guard - Mark of the wulfen (Rignus), Combi flamer/frostblade (Fognar), powerfist (Dane).
9 blood claws - power sword, plasma pistol, meltagun.
Sorcerer - Lvl 2, gift of mutation, spell familiar, Mark of Tzeentch
10 cultists - flamer
10 cultists
5 marines - mark of Tzeentch. Champion has gift of mutation and lightning claw
2 spawn of chaos.
The narrative:Why I made the lists what they are.
SW: I have limited models to use as the "leaders" for my SW, some of which have been inspired by friends, fiction, or previous games. The WGBL is a model that was inspired by a friend. I know WGBL are wolf lore lite, but even Klargence must move up the ranks.
The tale goes something like this. The Space Wolves were deployed to extinguish a chaos threat. During the pre-battle feast, Klargence was very boastful, however as usual, has difficulty keeping his facts straight once he is in a boastful mood. As such, the wolf lord overheard a strange boast, of a feat the wolf lord had completed himself. Being in a festive mood, the wolf lord shouted to Klargence. "Being one of such great feats, perhaps it is you who should show the blood claws how to fight this time around!" A wolf priest agreed, and Klargence was shamed in front of his wolf guard. In an attempt to move the spotlight off of himself, he chose 3 of the loudest laughing wolf guard to accompany him, so they could "show off their various specialties". Klargence would take the blood claws, and 3 of his personal wolf guard to take the blood claws into their first battle. A scouting mission to investigate a potential daemonic summoning.
CSM: I want to make these battles (or at least the first bundle of battles) so that there will be moments of heroism. I also know from experience how boring a marine vs marine combat can be. (roll 4 to hit, 4 to wound +3 to save over and over and over) I like CSM for the different types of units it brings to the table. It is true that there is a daemonic summoning, far from the battlefield a powerful Tzeentch sorcerer plans to summon daemonic assistance. The sorcerer has a body guard of 5 chaos space marines, and has gathered 20 cultists for his cause. Chaos spawn have started to appear as the summoning takes place.
Tonight I will have a few beers and roll some dice against myself. These skirmish matches will be on 24x24, and with terrain to match the scenario. However, until I build some terrain, I will ahve to use my imagination. I will try to document these matches as best as possible.
Most of all, I will have to hold back and be strong if/when a character I like falls.
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