The final skirmish for the blood claws was against Necrons, here are the lists!
Overlord: Scythe, res orb
12 warriors
4 scarabs
Space Wolves
WGBL Rignus with MotW
9 blood claws (power sword, plasma pistol)
An ancient dreadnought accompanied Rignus and his blood claws on this mission as an observer. Supporting the unit with additional firepower and observing Rignus as a potential for training future blood claws.
This match was quick, and the blood claws excelled where they should, brutal charges.
In the first round of shooting, the dreadnought felled 2 scarab bases and caused a wound on another. Rignus fired his bolter and dropped a necron, who would later rise back up. On the necrons turn, they move within rapid fire range and unleash a hellish blue gauss stream into the blood claws. Fafner, Vegard and Knud fell to the ground. The scarabs advanced on the ancient dreadnought, but failed a very short charge, losing another wound to overwatch.
Now it is time for the space wolves to assault. Unleashing a volley of bolt pistol fire, Garin and Ketil both score kills. The ancient dread chooses not to fire, instead allowing the blood claws full glory. It is within charge distance, and can still support them in a different way. The dreadnought assaults, taunting the warriors, who fire overwatch and cause a hull point to be removed. The dreadnought fails his charge as assumed he would. This allowed for Rignus and the blood claws to assault unmolested by another volley of fire!
On the assault:
Rignus challenges the overlord and they exchange wounds.
Hafgrim cuts down 2 warriors.
Garin also pummels 2 warriors to the ground.
Kari slays one warrior.
Knut lands some blows, but they do not penetrate the ancient necron carapace.
Regin fight off 2 necrons, only managing to defend himself from them.
The Necron retaliation causes no casualties, they have lost combat. The overlord decides it is time to flee and the blood claws make quick work of them in a sweeping advance. The overlord fails to return to the field though everliving.
Meanwhile, the two scarabs assault the dreadnough, who kills them both in overwatch. Assault cannons are pretty dang spiffy.
This skirmish was very quick, the fastest of the bunch. I decided to see what would happen if the necrons and the space wolves both had the "fearless" special rule. This caused the combat to last a very long time. Both sides rolled poorly, and often. Instead of a recount of the battle, I will only post some of the notes I have of it.
Hafgrim - One of the necrons he felled with his power sword reanimates, causing a lapse in judgement. He fights with desperation against a foe he is unsure if he can kill for 4 rounds, finally killing it, only after watching his brothers lay the necrons to rest.
Knut - Again, only manages to glance the necrons, falls to the bladed tip of the gauss weaponry.
Ketil - Showing true space wolf strength, lands two perfect blows, killing one necron, then another in a later round.
Kari - fumbles as Hafgrim did when his foe stood up from death. Managed to regain himself and kill 2 necrons, one of which got up. This necron would not die, as it too the combined efforts of Kari, Ketil and Garin to finally kill it.
Garin - Killed a necron in single combat and moved to assist his bretheren.
Regin - Regin was the MvP in this match. Deciding to leave his meltagun behind was a good choice for him, though could have been terrible for the unit. Regin was matched against 2 warriors from the start. Here is a quick summary.
Kills 2, 1 gets up
Kills that 1, it gets back up.
Kills that 1 again and it stays dead.
Overlord slays Rignus, Regin moves to overlord
Rignus takes the last wound from the overlord, who then gets up
Regin kills the overlord again, who then gets back up again
At this point there are multiple blood claws fighting the overlord, while a necron warrior is still going in single combat with Kari.
The ancient dreadnought assaults the Overlord, seeing Rignus fall, misses with everything.
The overlord slays the ancient dreadnough.
Kari finally kills the necron warrior, and Ketil lands a killing blow on the overlord. The unit is wiped out and can no longer revive.
Now I will take the data from the 3 fights and decide which Blood claws will move up to Grey Hunter, as well as if they will keep their wargear, or have it replaced. It will be a very tough call on some of the accounts.
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